AT Commander's
AT Video Camera
At a recent Club meeting, I picked up a pretty groovy video camera in
someone's junk bin. This was apparently a WWF camera for some other scale
figure. It was close to 1/6 scale, and it obviously had some usefulness for
the Adventure Team. In these pics, you can see that I have already replaced
the (short) vinyl strap with an elastic and buckle (from 21st Century).
I made the links holding it to the tape deck with #20 or #22 wire with the
insulation stripped off. Easy and quick!
Next came the problem of making this fit
a 12" action figure without looking out of scale. For this, an old bazooka
from the junk box was called to duty. This particular Hasbro bazooka is
about the worst representation of
a bazooka I've ever seen, so making it a "donor" didn't hurt our collection
much at all. This bazooka was a 2-piece version. The relevant part for
us was, of course, the one with the pistol-grip and shoulder brace. You can
see in the pic at
right that it disassembles in a great spot - just ahead of the grip!
This became the "shoulder stock" on our AT video camera. Using a dremel
tool, an emery board, and an X-acto knife, we trimmed it down to the bare
minimum to create a flat base upon which to mount the camera.
Here's the shoulder stock after modification. You can see where the
bazooka was cut away making a flat plane to mount the cradle, with a step
at the rear to match the contour of the camera. On this flat plane we used
sheet plastic to make a base, then added some textured sheet plastic for
detailing (which is unfortunately lost in these photos). We built up the
front and rear to exactly match the camera, then painted it all glossy black.
To this we added a pair of magazine pouches from 21st Century. These pouches
are the ones with the fragile hooks on back that break (before then, they'd
fall off web belts if you even looked at 'em funny, so they were pretty
useless anyhow). Glued back-to-back, they make great spare battery containers.
This pic shows the camera mounted on the shoulder stock. It snaps into
place by virtue of the snug fit between the shoulder stock and the camera
contours. This was built up, you remember, with sheet plastic, so I could
be pretty precise when gluing it together.
At right and below you can see the camera in use. Thanks to the shoulder
stock, it now fits Joe perfectly! (That Joe is a
TC fuzzhead on a SA KFG body, by the way... he makes a pretty cool Man
of Action.) We left the bazooka sights on the shoulder stock, just for
fun. The sight is a little too low to be "useful" or "realistic," but it
still looks cool. Although not visible in the photos, I added a "shutter
release" trigger to the front grip.
Here's the shoulder stock again. You'll note that the tape deck itself
hasn't been modified with a new shoulder strap yet in this pic. See how
small the original was? It was cheesy and looked horrible anyway... even
if it HAD been the right size it still would've needed replacement.
Now the Adventure Team can undertake dangerous
missions like capturing a video of the Feral Housecat or the Wild Kitten
that roam as predators through their domestic domain. Joe could even use
this for dangerous photographic missions to capture footage of exotic animals
in faraway lands, like the neighbor's weiner dogs in their back yard. The
camera could even be used to document AT activities like capturing white
tigers, pygmy gorillas, or swamp alligators. We just finished this project
this afternoon, so it has yet to be field tested. So far, however, the
durability testers (my kids) seem duly impressed.
LMK what you think of this project, or any
other stuff you stumble across on my website!
or click the bar to email me, the (NOTE - Email provider tanked. Sorry.)