AT Commander's
Ol' West Cowboys
Next comes the Deputy, of course. At right is the Cots 5 o'clock Vince
head (makes a great cowboy). He's wearing a flannel Ken shirt, Roosevelt
trousers, a Hobby Lobby doll dept stetson, and brown Cots jackboots. He
looks downright western in them duds! He's equipped with a Captain Action
Lone Ranger lever-action carbine and a SOTW canteen. This was a quick figure
to toss together and is a rockin' groovy cowboy, IMHO!
Here is a pic of his holster (at left). I forget where the handcuffs
came from, but anyhow, the holster and gunbelt were home-made out of scrap leather; I did a drop-down
gunfighter style holster. I tried to pattern this off an actual holster
so it'd look more authentic.
Here's the knife. It's a Marx "Johnny West" knife and the sheath is home-made
out of the same leather as the holster and the gunbelt. I added the fringe
to make it look a little more Indian and a little more "mountain man" than
a plain old store-bought sheath. I liked the outcome. As you can see on
both the holster and sheath, I was experimenting with contrasting thread
to stitch it with and still can't decide which I like best - so I left one
each way!
At right is a pic of the belt buckle.
As on the Sherriff's rig above, this one was also made from a humble paperclip.
This time I used one that had ridges on it to catch
the light a little. It's nice variety, I suppose.
Not too
long ago, the Captain Action repro line included the Lone Ranger outfits.
At left is the blue Lone Ranger suit we probably all remember best from the
TV show. This is stuffed by the sneering Cots Carl figure.
Even though the original LR had dark hair and wore a mask, I like the outfit better on this
ornery-looking character.
the right is another LR outfit in the Captain Action line. This is supposedly
an earlier version of the LR outfit, although I've never seen any LR episodes
where the hero wore such an outfit. I stuffed it with a Cots Andy head.
The fancy duds and Lorne Green looking face shape sort of make this guy look
like landed gentry - a gentleman cowboy or large landowner, perhaps. The
LR belts are a bit tight on the Cots/vintage/TC/ME figures, but I still like
'em just the same. These guys are the favorites of my son. He really likes
the doulble pistol rigs. Not shown in the pic is a leather LR mask with
an elastic strap that takes turns on about all these guys as he lets them
take turns being bad guys, good guys, or the Lone Ranger. Fun! (Incidentally,
the multi-DVD sets of LR episodes are pretty cheap at Wal-Mart.)
What cast of characters would be complete without a Bad Guy? Here's "Texas
Red" (remember the old Marty Robbins tune?) slinging lead at a hapless victim.
The Civil War ended, but not for Texas Red.
This red-headed goatee Save the Tiger guy is wearing Robert E. Lee's trousers, belt, jacket, and hat. His boots are Teddy Roosevelt's, I believe. You probably recognize the shirt (Save the Tiger). He's another figure with an SA body rather than his original CC body.
He's dropping the
hammer on a couple of SOTW Colt blackpowder revolvers.
At right is Texas Red's gunbelt. I'm not thrilled about the R.E.
Lee belt, but I haven't gotten around to replacing it yet. The "slim jim"
holsters look like they belong in the post-Civil War era. The knife is a
Johnny West Bowie knife. The leather for these projects came from a worn-out
driving glove. The thinner the leather, the better the Joe holster looks.
(Still, these aren't my favorites, but they do the job.)
We can't have an outlaw without a Bounty Hunter. This Elite Brigade "Ty"
figure looked a little like Lee van Cleef to me, so we put him in a 442nd
trenchcoat, SOTW shirt, SOTW cavalry trousers, and SOTW boots with built-in
spurs. He's wearing a ratty old beat-up Johnny West hat with a couple of
holes in it. He's packing a SOTW Remington Model 1858. He's holding some
wanted posters (with Texas Red's picture on 'em).
I think this
is the first holster I made. The leather was too thick and I didn't like
the way it came out, but it gave me the experience req'd to do a better job
on the next few! At right is a shot of the reward posters.
Here's the guy who started it all - Johnny West! He's standing next to
the Gold Knight's horse, wearing JW tack. Below are JW's sadlebags, lever-action
carbine, and rifle scabbard. These pieces of tack were all cobbled together
from trading and buying odds and ends, so the colors don't match. That's
ok, though... the kids don't know the difference and don't care anyway!
Here's another of the Marx characters - the notorious Sam Cobra. Or is it Captain
Maddox? Neither... it's James West from the old Wild Wild West TV show!
I seem to recall rumor that
the Sam Cobra figure was supposed to be a James West figure, but they had
a licensing problem and ended up using the body with the Gold Knight (Sir
Gordon?) head. They ended up using the James West head with a cavalry body
to make Captain Maddox. I can't confirm that, though... and don't recall
where I heard it. Regardless, this is a cool figure!
Here's a shot of our cavalry guys - Custer and "Captain Gold Knight." Custer
is pretty minty, because I got him when longhair hippies were gathering at
airports and spitting on soldiers returning from 'Nam and calling them "baby
killers." I thought
that was pretty sad, irresponsible, and purile (even as a kid),
so I didn't much care for the hippies. Custer's long hair seemed too much
like a hippie, so I didn't play with this toy at all. It was a gift, so
I didn't complain or try to return it; I stuffed it under my bed and forgot
about it. I still have the complete set and box. You can also see the
Sam Cobra's head on the cavalry body. This headswap was one that left both
figures upgraded!
Horses! Here's a comparison of the vintage-type Marx horse and
the new Ultra Corps horse available at Big Lots! As you can see, the Marx
horse is more like a sleek quarterhorse, while the Ultra Corps horse is more
like a warhorse. In scale, the UC horse is HUGE! Since the legs on the
Ultra Corps horse are posable, it is a much more useful 1/6 piece. The UC
horse is available in a dark brown and a light brown color. The smaller
figures (ME/TC) look better on the Marx horse, while larger figures (SOTW/Dragon/BBI)
look better on the UC horse.
Let's end with a hat comparison.
Finding hats for fuzzheads always seems
to be a problem. the stetson available at craft stores (like Michael's and
Hobby Lobby). These are great for Joes. These are loose enough to fit over
fuzzheads without chance of damaging their fuzz.
Another option is the Wal-Mart "smiley" antenna ball cowboy hat.
I picked up a smiley antenna ball at Wallyworld just because the hat looked
1/6 to me and it was worth a buck to find out. The smiley ball was foam,
and so is the cowboy hat. When we got home we ripped the smiley face out
of the hat (carefully, so we wouldn't rip the foam) and tried it on a Joe...
Perfect! We don't know how long the foam will hold up, but it's been fine
so far - and has survived some rough kid play.
This is a good time to be makin'
cowboys, pardner. There's a lot of good kitbash potential out there if you
keep your eyes open. I just picked up a little doiley from Mexico that looked
like a Mexican blanket and a little souvenir sombrero that'll make a nice
poncho and hat for Jane. I'll add Jane to the site when (if) I finish that
little mini-project. With the "kitbash" potential out there and the Ultra
Corps horses, the opportunities to make cowboys these days are tremendous!
LMK what you think of this cowboy project,
or any other stuff you stumble across on my website!
or click the bar to email me, the