AT Commander's
Soldiers from Australia and New ZealanD
Here's what we did with our Aussies. We gave 'em a tan jeep to ride around
in while engaging in dangerous Backyard Patrols. This is the same MIRV
jeep from my website ( only I removed the
winch, crane, and all that jazz. This is probably the coolest jeep made
yet in 1/6 because off-th-shelf it's unmarked with military insignia, has
a removable .50 MG, has a windshield, and it's tan. Very versatile.
We sure like versatility! J
The figure at left was a Real Heroes FDNY firefighter
on clearance (right beside the clearance Aussie on the shelf at Target).
At $4.24 I couldn't resist. He looked like he'd be a great replacement
for the standard, ugly TC Aussie! He's ready for combat with a Formative
a lend-lease Thompson .45 SMG. The Real Hero headsculpt isn't the greatest,
but it helps avoid the Clone Army look!
At right is a Timeless GiJoe Action Soldier. The skin tone is extremely
dark (I lightened the pic a lot so you could see him). I thought this figure was
appropriate because the Pacific Islanders have a wide variety of skin tones,
including those who are very dark. Besides, he looks cool.
This wasn't a customization effort, but I liked the look of the ANZAC troopers
and thought I'd put 'em on a web page to add to the site. LMK what you
think of my humble little site!
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